Moog Rekofa refines Fibre Optic Rotary Joints’ (FORJs) portfolio and upgrades F 5408

Using 80/20 principles, Moog Rekofa has reduced its portfolio of FORJs to two standard models for multi-mode glass fibre and redesigned the F 5408.

Rekofa has been supplying standard and customised FORJs to worldwide customers for the past 20 years.

The optimised F 5408 is a single-channel multimode FORJ, which is passive and bi-directional. It is cost-efficient and, thanks to lens technology with different anti-reflective coatings, works at different wavelengths. High bandwidth and EMI immunity are among the major advantages of Lightwave transmitters. Low insertion loss and variance are other features.

The redesign sits alongside greatly improved processes which mean greater quantities can be produced. Also, combining the FORJ with Moog’s electrical and fluid slip rings allows us to offer customers a complete package for the transmission of optical signals, data, electrical power and fluids. Please contact